Total area of Finca Bayano: 34.73 hectares.
- Area of Farm Lands: 20.4 hectares.
- Number of Farm Lands: 53
- Area of Building Plots: 10.13 hectares
- Number of Building Plots: 88
- Minimum size of a Building Plot: 600 m²
- Road Area: 4.2 hectares
- Length of Roads: 2,200 meters
- Creek Banks: 1.5 hectares
- Length of the Creek: 1,500 meters
- The Building Plots and Farm Lands are being registered in the names of the buyers in the Public Register – “Registro Público” – of Panama.
- The segregation and the registration of the Building Plots and Farm Lands will be finalized in the second half of 2019.
- For calculation purposes: one square meter is eleven square feet, one hectare is 2.5 acres, one kilometer is 0.6 of a mile, Panama City is 200 miles east of Finca Bayano.
Building Plots
This illustration shows Building Plots; those which are marked red have been sold, those which are marked blue have not been sold. B1 is a small Building Plot with an area of 661 m² whereas B43 has a surface of 1,158 m².
By law, Building Plots must have a surface of at least 600 m². One square meter of a Building Plot is available from US$40. In order to feed a family of four on a vegetarian basis, an area of about 1,000 m² of land is enough if it is well maintained and irrigated. Small animals, such as chicken and hares, may be kept on Building Plots, however, horses and cows need a grazing area of about 2,000 m² per animal.
The spring is located between the Building Plots B80 and B18, where the road bends. A secondary entrance is located between the Building Plots B39 and B40, however, the path outside Finca Bayano is only passable on foot or by horse.
Farm Lands
This illustration shows Farm Lands; those which are marked red have been sold, those which are marked blue have not been sold. One square meter of Farm Land is available from US$12. A47 has an area of 1,010 m² the biggest Farm Land, A36 has an area of 10,706 m².
Farm Land can be shared by several parties. If you intend to keep large animals, such as horses or cows, you need a Farm Land for to do so. One hectare may provide sufficient food for five large animals, if the place is well maintained and irrigated.
The main entrance is located between the Farm Lands A22 and A36.
“Creek Banks” along Building Plots and Farm Lands
Both Farm Lands and Building Plots along the creek have a “Creek Bank” which is ten meters wide running parallel to the creek. It is marked green on the map and consists of two zones:
- The zone at a distance of three meters parallel to the creek bed is considered a protected zone and is part of the creek.
- The zone at a distance of three to ten meters parallel to the creek bed is also considered a protected zone. Trees may be planted here.
The Creek Bank belongs to the respective Farm Land or Building Plot and can be used in a limited way, but it cannot be purchased, as areas which run along the water are property of the state, in Panama. Water can be taken from the creek, but a minimum must flow to other fincas.
No construction is allowed on the Creek Bank and no trees may be cut. Dams can be built with an exception permit of the environmental protection authority “Mi Ambiente”.
Our Neighbors/Distances
Google Earth provides a good overview. The coordinates of Finca Bayano are 8°06’N and 81°20’W. To the west of Finca Bayano lies the village Garnadera with 600 inhabitants. Apart from pure nature there is nothing else here. The area around Finca Bayano is very sparsely populated. On several occasions, I have pointed out on this website that the sparsely populated area is a very important criterion for our project. It will hardly be possible to survive the crash in densely populated areas. There are a few shops in Las Palmas, seven kilometers away. Banks, pharmacies, gas stations and a hospital are located in Soná, 40 kilometers away. Everything else is located in Santiago, 80 kilometers away. It takes about two hours to get there. To Panama City it’s about 330 kilometers. The journey takes six hours by car or eight hours by bus.
How did I find exactly this place?
It wasn’t not easy to find the land for the the Finca Bayano project. People ask me frequently how I found exactly this place. My answer is simple: After traveling thousands of kilometers in the small country of Panama I found the best conditions in Garnadera de Las Palmas, in the region of Veraguas: The climate is very pleasant, there is plenty of water, the region is very sparsely populated, the local population is very friendly and there is almost no pollution. After all, it is not too far to the beautiful beaches of the Pacific Ocean, whereas Panama City and the borders to Costa Rica as well as to Colombia are reasonably far away.
In 2019, water and electricity will be installed and dams will be built. Approximately one million dollars have been invested so far, another million dollars still have to be invested. Eventually, an entire village is being built at Finca Bayano.
No speculative object
The Finca Bayano is a survival insurance. If there is a crash and one day we have to live exclusively on our own products, this investment is invaluable. However, Finca Bayano is not suitable as a speculative object, since an increase in the value of the land, beyond the costs incurred, may not be expected.
In General
Houses can be built on Building Plots as well as on Farm Lands. Building a house on a Building Plot within the village has the advantage of living in close proximity to other villagers. Eventually, we are preparing for a time in which the protection of the village community could be important. Nowadays, the area around Finca Bayano is very safe, but who knows what will happen in the world after the crash? Therefore, the best solution is to buy a Building Plot for the construction of a house and buy a Farm Land for the production of food.
Land is by far the best investment!